Monday, May 7, 2018

Michigan Police Department refer to themselves as "POPO".

Last week, the police department posted a cutesy little photo on their Facebook page, stating they replaced the name “police” with “popo” on their cars, as an effort to connect better with the youngsters. Because they all know we’re still living in 1990 and use the term. 


“We are still struggling to really reach the younger folk out there. So in an effort to bridge that gap, we’ve decided to update out patrol car graphics in an attempt to be more relatable to the local youths,” the Facebook post stated.

When was the last time you heard someone refer to the cops as the “popo”? When was the last time you heard someone say they’re using Microsoft Paint? Those are the only two relevant questions to ask Michigan’s Bath Township Police Department, who thought it was a good idea to joke about fixing community relations with the youth, with the help of the relic of a computer program and an archaic word.

Let’s look at some of the replies to their post:

No Way!! Changing the name on the car lowers your intelligence. These people can’t speak proper English and instead of blaming parents and schools, you
change the “police” graphic. Why don’t you just put it in Russian, “ПОЛИЦЯ”..than they still can’t read it...Sorry, try pulling me over with that...its not legal and you know it!!
So, you are proudly owning the term Pissed Off Police Officer (POPO)?
Damn, that’s not a good look for the community you SERVE.
Utterly ridiculous. Funny joke if CGI/photoshopped. Dont stoop to their level. Next you will have Officers, Deputies, Troopers studying EBONICs. Hell to the No, how bout that!!

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